Cherry Bullet Official Light Stick Review

The Cherry Bullet Lightstick has gotten a lot of attention from both fans and reviewers because of how it looks and how it works.

Cherry Bullet Official Light Stick

The Cherry Bullet Lightstick is a one-of-a-kind and stylish item that K-pop girl group Cherry Bullet fans will love. The red and white lightstick is shaped like a gun, which is a reference to the band’s name and the song “Q&A” from their music video.

You can buy the lightstick from the Amazon or FNC Store online. There are three AAA batteries inside, and they last for about 5 hours. And finally, the lightstick has Bluetooth built in, so it can sync with the music playing at concerts and other events.

The Cherry Bullet Lightstick has gotten a lot of attention from both fans and reviewers because of how it looks and how it works. The lightstick’s capacity to improve the concert experience and its sleek and attractive design have earned it high accolades from fans. Some reviewers also said that the lightstick is a great way to support the band and that every Cherry Bullet fan should have one.

Overall, the Cherry Bullet Lightstick is a great item for people who like the band and wanna show their support at shows and events. It’s different from other lightsticks on the market because of how it’s designed and how it works, and the fact that it’s Bluetooth enabled means that fans will enjoy concerts more.

516Dyhrt3vL. AC SL1000


Specification Metfnc
61XavJQp8vL. AC SL1439


  • It looks cool and different, and it’s great for people who like the K-pop girl group Cherry Bullet.
  • The lightstick has Bluetooth built in, so it can sync with the music playing at concerts and other events.
  • The charge in the lightstick lasts for about 5 hours.


  • Because the lightstick looks like a gun, it might not be appropriate for all groups.
  • Three AAA batteries power the lightstick, and they may need to be changed often.


For the most part, the Cherry Bullet Lightstick is a great item for people who like the band and want to show their support at concerts and other events. It’s different from other lightsticks on the market because of how it’s designed and how it works, and the fact that it’s Bluetooth enabled means that fans will enjoy concerts more.